Easter Egg Color By Sight Word

Spring and Easter Literacy Preschool Printable
Photo Source: Tessa Maguire

Looking to provide your preschoolers with a bit of sight word practice? Check out these adorable Easter themed color by sight word worksheets created by Tessa Maguire. These types of activities offer a great opportunity for honing visual discrimination as well as building early reading skills as students must carefully identify both the target word and color word in the key, then find the target word in the picture and color it the appropriate color.

A few suggestions...

  • For the younger set, we suggest creating a key with color cues {see example below}.
    Easter Sight Word Preschool Printable
    Example key with color cues
  • For extra fun, you might consider laminating the worksheet and inviting your kiddos to complete it using dry erase crayons.
    Dry Erase Crayons for Kids and Easter Preschool Printable
    Click picture to view product

To grab copies of these great {FREE!} activities, be sure to visit Tessa's Teachers Pay Teachers store!