The Third Characteristic of Highly Effective Educators - Being A Good Planner

{Some teachers just seem to have it all together – their classroom is always organized, their students are always so well-behaved, and their positive attitude seems positively unshakeable. At times you might wonder,

Why does it seem that some educators are more successful at developing a well-managed classroom? Do these teachers have a certain set of characteristics that automatically set them apart when walking into a classroom?

When it comes to creating an engaging learning environment and a well-managed classroom, there are six characteristics that highly effective educators share... }

Good Planning for Effective Classroom Management
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Effective educators recognize good planning as an essential tool. Just as you expect your students to walk through the door prepared to learn – equipped with pencils, notebooks, textbooks, etc. - your students expect that when you step to the front of the classroom, you're prepared for the day as well.

This means...
  • Lessons are well-constructed and delivered in an efficient manner. Just as football coaches use a play book or a pilot completes a flight plan before take-off, consider creating “scripts” for each of your lesson plans – detailing the intended progression of activities, highlighting points you don't want to forget, noting specific examples/handouts to be used, and so on. Taking the time to familiarize yourself with this prepared outline, as well as the material to be covered, ensures that class time will be used efficiently and effectively. A script for every lesson may seem tedious, but teachers shouldn't “wing it” in the classroom, any more than a pilot should wing a simple connecting flight from Atlanta to Tampa. You expect that your students will put in the time required to succeed in class and your students expect that you will put in the necessary time to make sure they have meaningful learning experiences (not simply reading from the slides because you failed to prepare).
  • Materials to be used during class time have been rounded up and are close at hand.

As you plan, remember to plan for flexibility. That may sound like a bit of a paradox, but the ability to adapt is key to a thriving learning environment. For instance, you may have prepared three examples to illustrate a particular concept, but realize that after two, your students have grasped the information. Recognizing when to move on is crucial. In the same vein, recognizing when further exploration into the topic is needed is also key.

Educators who recognize that good planning is an essential tool to their success are able to run more efficient and effective classrooms!